August 21, 2009
August 18, 2009
Lacy is the Dancing Queen
You can watch her friends compete and learn more about the Musical Dog Sport Association here [More]
August 8, 2009
The Night Before Becky Comes Home
People here keep talking about Puppy Becky - like who is this Puppy Becky? And do I care? I don't like the sounds of this! Then they showed me this stroller and said the puppy could go in it. The idea is we can still go on our hikes and adventures even though this puppy is little and can't walk very far. I don't get it? Why doesn't Mom just send this Puppy Becky home? [More]
July 22, 2009
Splash! Jump! Catch! Dog Days of Scogog
Big dogs, little dogs, loud dogs, wet dogs; all of them gathered at the Scugog Shores Museum in Port Perry July 18 and 19 to celebrate the bond between man and his dog! It was the 7th Annual Dog Days of Scugog. Shannon Kelly the Museum's curator describes the event as an amateur dog enthusiast's event with fun and games for both owners and their dogs.
July 10, 2009
July 8, 2009
Iroquoian Village Day-Trip
July 6, 2009
Music To Calm |Your Dog
We were over at Parkwood Estate in Oshawa for the annual Peony Festival (peek at my photos :P ). I'm sorry to say this is one day-trip poor Miss Kodee wasn't allowed to join us on. I did however sniff out one doggy item that day! Through a Dog's Ear: Music to Calm Your Canine Companion
is a CD of classical music clinically tested on over 150 dogs. The music calms anxious dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, nervousness during storms, excitement with visitors etc.
July 3, 2009
Cavalier Fanciers Southern Ontario Specialty Show
Close your eyes and picture a hundred or so Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in the pouring rain all morning. Now don't open your eyes, breath deep. Smell it? Ya YUCK! Words escape me!
Last Sunday, June 28th we went to the Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario, Specialty Show - IN THE POURING RAIN, EEK! OK, honestly, it really was a fun day visiting friends and watching magnificient Cavaliers move in the show ring.
June 9, 2009
These Boots Were Made for Hiking
Being a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel means I am not exactly a wash and dry pup! We have long feathers on our legs, a ground sweeping tail and furry under pads on our feet! It's sort of like this; hike an hour, groom an hour!
June 3, 2009
Cavalier adopts Bunny Babies
Ellie is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who decided to look after a bunch of little bunnies who Mother was found dead. Since the Cavalier is a hunting dog I suppose those not familar with them, would be confused by this. For me and many other Cavalier owners, we already know the love, caring nature of this breed and just "get it".
In this amazing video watch Ellie with her bunnies from the TV National Geographic program "Dogs in Jobs" [More...]
May 27, 2009
Woofstock 2009 Toronto
Woofstock 2009 has been and gone for another year! Best part of the day had to be the pooches frolicking in the fountain! Must confess, I also enjoyed scoping out some new doggy gear. My only complaint? The icecream truck line up!
May 26, 2009
Go On; Get Creative!
Canon Rebel XSI Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm IS Lens and 55-200mm Zoom Lens(includes battery grip and second battery, DSLR bag and extra memory card)
May 25, 2009
Finding the Perfect Frisbee
Testing out 3 hot frisbees!
First up is the Chuckit! Flying Squirrel Small (Colors Vary)
This was Kodee's first frisbee and she LOVED IT! Problem was Mom and Dad, not so much. The Chuck It corners are covered in a glow in the dark plastic edge. Nice idea but um as a dog I don't care! Mom and Dad don't really play fetch in the dark.
May 16, 2009
As Good as John Travolta
Carolyn Scott
'In the sport of freestyle I have faced challenges, both personal and physical, enjoyed victories and dealt with the agony of defeat. All has been worth it. I have had the pleasure of sharing this sport with wonderful people that love the sport as much as I do. I also, have had the pleasure of sharing the limelight with Rookie whose enjoyment of this sport never ceases to amaze me.'
Go Fetch! Learn More About Caroline Scott
Paws Up! Clicker Dances with Dogs
April 27, 2009
Splashing in the Otonabee River!