Woofstock 2009 Toronto
Woofstock 2009 has been and gone for another year! Best part of the day had to be the pooches frolicking in the fountain! Must confess, I also enjoyed scoping out some new doggy gear. My only complaint? The icecream truck line up!
We shopped till we dropped. I can't begin to tell you how many great products we saw, loved and drooled over. Here are our picks for Paws Up stuff we loved today!
Smoochy Poochy these well made harnesses, collars and leads will be my next "must have"! I currently have a Douglas Paquet and although I love the ribbons, I am so not impressed with the nylon. It is NOT standing up at all! What a shame. The nylon we viewed at Smoochy Poochy appears to be a much better quality and I am convinced will fair far better! Its a soft but durable nylon, comes in a huge assortment of trendy colours (be still my heart key lime) and is complete with a reflective stripe for safety. Smooch Poochy is operated by Meera Brown who lives in Toronto and her line can be found at retail stores throughout Canada.
Wacky Walk'r has 100% natural rubber tubing leashes. These things are great to protect your joints if you dog is a puller. Here's a plus plus! People we talk to say the leashes help to reduce your dogs desire to pull over time. Whoo Hoo!
Mustluvdogs has the coolest dog coats ever!! Ultra-Sham coats that you dip in water and then put on your dog. Whoa many dogs were sporting them on this hot day! Extra bonus, they are 100% Canadian owned company!
Neo-Paws has too many products to list. We were impressed by their raingear and boots! Check them out at their website for "bootiful safety pet apparel"
Enjoy these snaps from our day! If you missed Woofstock 2009 I weep for you; but there is always next year!

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