These Boots Were Made for Hiking
Whoo Hoo! It's the weekend and that means hikes and exploring! Be sure to watch the video of me wearing my new boots at the end of this post.
Being a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel means I am not exactly a wash and dry pup! We have long feathers on our legs, a ground sweeping tail and furry under pads on our feet! It's sort of like this; hike an hour, groom an hour!
When Mom first saw dog boots she burst out laughing! Then the snowstorms hit and she realized they may not be so funny. My slippers collect snow and I end up with gigantic snowballs on my feet. If your just going out for quick "business" then you don't need boots. Mom likes to say 'she walks rain, sleet, blizzard, 30 minutes a day.' Well, in that case my boots are needed because of deep snow, salt on the road (which burns my feet) and those twigs in the woods can HURT! So we test drove a some boots.
Muttluks All Weather Boots
Pawz Disposable and Reusable All Weather Dog Boots
OK, these really aren't boots - they are more like balloons. Honestly, we did rip a few but in their defense, they don't cost much and they definitely are 100% waterproof. Great for those really muddy days. Besides, it's worth the smile people give you when they see your feet!

Here's moi on the trails at Herber Downs Conservation Area. I love hiking on the path along the stream. There are some mighty big hills to climb though. OK so Dad had to carry me up a few *blush* No wonder I needed boots - look at the forest I'm in!

Go Fetch! A video of me In my boots! Opps I lost one boot at the end because Mom didn't put in on tight enough! After I got used to them, I stopped prancing like a horse and I have to admit, it was nice not having sticks and stones hurt my paws!
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