Woofstock 2010!
Last weekend the weather almost threatened to ruin our annual trip to the St. Lawrence Market in downtown Toronto! The rain gods blessed us and held off (on Sunday anyways - sorry to any suckers that went on Saturday :P ). Thank goodness as June 12 and 13, 2010 marked Woofstock Toronto! We left Kodee and Becky at home as it was a long drive, loads of dogs and selfishly I had shopping on my mind!
What is Woofstock?
Definitely not as crowed as last year and NO WAY near as hot! I think a lot more vendors were there as I spent 3x as much; Smoochy Poochy leashes, Grizzly Pet Products, crown gem-studded crowns for the girls, The Barkery Cranberry fruit licorice, Petz Life Gel to clean their gums - oh ya I forgot I bought that and haven't used it yet duh!.Woofstock is the largest outdoor festival for dogs in all of North America. One year it was beamed around the world on CNN for the entire weekend.
Enough shop talk. I know what you want.
Dressed to Flirt!
Lending a Helping Hand
Shop Happy Diva
We met some cool pooches chillin out and then some STRESSED OUT pups too! Too many Cavalier King Charles Spaniels to count in all colours!

Every year at Woofstock the dogs frolic in a few fountains scattered across the St. Lawrence Market. So here is this year's obligatory video of drenched, splash happy pooches!
A day like this provides such a wonderful opportunity to get click camera happy. I had a really hard time sorting through the shots; trust me there were plenty more! So keep scrolling if you haven't had your fill yet for the last few favourites of the day.
This guy wants to jump into the water too!
A senior sweet gentleman.

~ Ramblings by Debbie
Thanks for being such great friends. We love to see your pictures and your comments on our blog. Mommy said to tell you that Indiana can gain weight quickly on a rich food but they give her upset tummies so we can't have them. I on the other hand used to be very little about 3 or 4 pounds less then I am now. Mommy couldn't put weight on me until Indiana came to live with us and she would eat my food if I didn't so I learned to eat.
Davinia, Indiana, and mommy
Wise..... they don't really love to shop till they drop... bet you had a good welcome home :-) x x x
and they were first in your bag !
HeyyY!! Woofstock was a blast! Why am I just finding this thread now? LOL when we end up going to Rens, we'll have to look up if they have the barkery treats! Mine are eating them now, too! I like their licorice ;) You got some great pictures of Woofstock!! Loved em ;)
There is a lot more to Davinia's story. I have it all in draft form waiting to post. The problem is I have to be very careful what I say and how I say it because her story is not over. I want to post her complete story because it needs to be told. Those responsible for what happened need to understand it is not going to go away.
Ahhh.. looks like we missed your mom!! The weather wasn't nice but we were very happy to make it to our annual event.
Happy Sunday!
Momo & Pinot
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