Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario
The last few months have been a blast of puppy fur flying, treats galore, mad dashes after laser lights and ohhh sweet boys! So where did I find such riveting action? Well, Mom and I have been attending handling classes with the Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario (CFSO). Ha, that is Mom's version of the story. Reality is Mom drives us and then sits on a chair while my friend from Embee Cavaliers helps me learn to not be a freight train on a lead, to stand very still on a table and to flow when I walk! After all my registered name is "Dancing Queen! Boy, what I will do to get my lips on some good junk food.
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OH Terri, you have out done yourself again!! What a generous donation of sunshine to use on a rainy day from her company DayDogDesigns! All handcrafted; bag, poop zippered pouch with bone clasp, harness and leash will be won by someone at the show in a few weeks. If your at the show, peek inside the front pocket..... see it? Yup an embroidered Cavalier hides there!! Just too cute!
OK to test what I have learned (that is IF I have learned), I am going to show for the first time here. Here's hoping the event means extra smelly treats - cause if there's food involved - I'm game!
Before I forget, if your at the show, check out the 2011 CFSO Calendars! What could be better then 12 months of beautiful Cavaliers gracing your walls? Nothing I tell you so step up to the cash register and dole out $10 (member pricing and $15 for non-members).
Hold on, just because you can't attend the show, it doesn't mean you have to pass on this stunning calendar. Just follow this link to order yours online and have it delivered right to your home!
~ Bark On, Love Becky
Go Fetch: Canuck Dogs ~ Your source of Canadian Canine Event Information
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The Club was formed in 1988, when a group of active breeders decided that a regional club would add greatly to their education about and enjoyment of the breed. Another main focus of the club was placed on social interaction, to invite anyone interested in Cavaliers to join and feel welcome to take part in the life of the Club. ~ CFSO WebsiteAll the people at the handling classes make us feel so welcomed and provide lots of support. Not wanting to be be takers, we decided to give a little back! This year marks the CFSO's 20th Specialty Show on Sunday, June 27 in Campbellville, Ontario. Mom is putting together a snazzy Rainy Day themed basket to be used in the club raffle. She has been pacing waiting for a special package to arrive.
OH Terri, you have out done yourself again!! What a generous donation of sunshine to use on a rainy day from her company DayDogDesigns! All handcrafted; bag, poop zippered pouch with bone clasp, harness and leash will be won by someone at the show in a few weeks. If your at the show, peek inside the front pocket..... see it? Yup an embroidered Cavalier hides there!! Just too cute!
Hold on, just because you can't attend the show, it doesn't mean you have to pass on this stunning calendar. Just follow this link to order yours online and have it delivered right to your home!
~ Bark On, Love Becky
Go Fetch: Canuck Dogs ~ Your source of Canadian Canine Event Information

Very cool!
I love this post!!
Ha ha ha....we love your comment about being a "freight train on a lead." We know all about that.
Sadly our closest Cavalier Club is very far away so we can't join. Our Mummy can't take us both for a walk at the same time anymore because we go crazy....imagine two freight trains....barking (yelping)on double leads.
She can handle one at a time because we soon settle down, but when it's the two of us we egg each other on!
Mummy loves that calender. We will visit that web site.
Enjoyed this post. All the best at the show. Look forward to seeing your post about it later.
Marley & Jasper.
Your pups are the cutest! Have fun!
Thanks for stopping by and joining the Pet Blogger Blog Hop.
Indiana used to be a frieght train. I actually put her on a show lead earlier today for the first time in over a year and she was practically a dream (at least compared to what she was like when she was a puppy.)
Good luck at your first show. You will have to take pictures for all of us.
Felissa, Indiana, and Davinia
Saw you on the blog hop. Gorgeous cavvies. Love cockers and cavvies have a dear place, too. Come visit us sometime.
Carol at FIDO Friendly magazine
Woof! Woof! Happy BLOG HOP Saturday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Becky - what an exciting new class you're starting! I hope your human gets some photos or videos from the classes as I'd love to watch your training for the showring!
Honey the Great Dane
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