I remember when Holly had that done....I cried all the way out of the vet's office when I left her! She was fine...I wasn't! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
Awww Becky.... hugs.... but it's for the best!! Get better soon and thank you for taking the time to still look so sweet and beautiful for Wordless Wednesday!
Awww, hope she heals well. No fun at all I imagine. Hey did I happen to see you as a second place winner on Life and Dog too?? If so congrats!! If not, well forget i said anything lol. Anna www.akginspiration.com
Loving life with family and friends while exploring my passions; writing and photography. All with my two, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in tow on day-trips along the Greater Toronto Area waterfront trails and local communities.
Poor girl! But it's better to have it done and behind you. She has the most expressive eyes!
Dog, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to remember what V-E-T spells.
Aww...poor little girl!
I think we should trade dogs...just for a day because I want to give her a BIG squeeze!
I remember when Holly had that done....I cried all the way out of the vet's office when I left her! She was fine...I wasn't! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
Awww - hope you feel better soon!
Awww Becky.... hugs.... but it's for the best!! Get better soon and thank you for taking the time to still look so sweet and beautiful for Wordless Wednesday!
Hugs for you Becky,
But trust me, it could be worse, you could be wearing a collar like I had to!
Sending wags too,
Your pal Snoopy :)
She's saying, "Poor, poor pitiful me!!! Now get me some good treats!" Awesome photo!
Diane and Cosmo
Awww, those sad spaniel eyes!
Priceless photo, she is adorable and yes, i am pretty sure she is giving you grief.
Oh, woe is me?
Poor girl - hopefully she'll be up and around in no time!
So cute !!!
luvs Freya Rose Blossom x
That sweet face? Profanities? Well, you never know...
Aww, Becky!
It's gonna be okay soon!
Hugs from Ellie and I <3
You look very beautiful even being a little offended...
Oh you look so sad. I hope you feel better soon cutie pie!
Oh my... what a face!
That's a pretty good pitiful face. I hope Becky's healing nicely. Sending hugs!
Hugs and kisses! Debbie you are such a talented photographer!
Awww, hope she heals well. No fun at all I imagine. Hey did I happen to see you as a second place winner on Life and Dog too?? If so congrats!! If not, well forget i said anything lol.
You did!! And your gorgeous, hazel eyed beauty was too! I am pretty excited about it!
Ahhh, I remember the days after my spay. I couldn't wait to get up and RUN!
It's nice to meet you!
Happy Monday woofs & hugs <3,
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
I hope you feel better soon! You are so sweet!
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