August 20, 2011

Call Me Stupid!

Say What? I am not supposed to call my dog breed a Cav? Who says? Why not? Oh dear. Why must I always be so difficult and discuss these things publicly. Sorry, but...

Someone started a Facebook Group to tell those of us that do - we are wrong. Oh oh... you see the real problem here don't you? Someone told me I was wrong!!

August 10, 2011

No Words Allowed: Only Thoughts

You Tell Me Becky's Thoughts!

Here she is the day after her spay last week. I think she is spewing profanities at me.
Stay tuned because Kodee has her own special thoughts on how the day really went down.
[More Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday Entries!]

About Me

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Loving life with family and friends while exploring my passions; writing and photography. All with my two, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in tow on day-trips along the Greater Toronto Area waterfront trails and local communities.

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