We Have A Birthday Girl In the House!
Look who is a big girl now! Miz Becky is 2 years old today!
Becky also wants to wish her sisters and brother a Happy Birthday! Hop over to Embee Cavaliers and wish her sister Molly a Happy Birthday too!
Last year at this time, Marybeth showed Becky at the Cavalier Fanciers Southern Ontario Specialty Show. Becky is shown here with the judge and is very proud of her ribbon... the competition was fierce. There was a total of one dog entered in her class; herself!
I think this period in Becky's life had an impact on her development. It also allowed me to discover something new. I love working on training with my dogs. As well, this awesome bond between Becky and Marybeth developed. You can still see how strong it is a year later. In fact when we get together, Becky gets a little miffed as she doesn't understand why Marybeth's own dogs Zoey, Mylee and Molly want her attention.
Becky has been a ray of sunshine in my life! She came to us bouncing off the walls and still has not stopped! This girl is so full of enthusiasm and life she just spurts happiness all day long. There is no question she is my girl; never leaving her Mommy's side. Unlike traitor Kodee who will run off to Dad if she hears him come home!
Exciting times are ahead for my girls! Kodee and Becky are starting Rally Obedience in a few weeks. I really miss not having the socialization (for the dogs and myself) plus learning new things that handling classes provided. I am so excited and looking forward to this new challenge. I think Rally lends really well to Cavalier's personalities. They love to please their owners and are quick to learn. Rally will be good for them to have something to focus on. Rally offers a bit of structure in obedience but in a more relaxed way. Just a taste of agility will be introduced.
Becky's friend Lacey ran straight over to wish her a Happy Birthday. And another neighbourhood pal stopped by...
Let me tell you, Kodee had an awful lot to say to this visitor! My ears are still ringing.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS DEAR BECKY, may your day be extra special with treats to share with all your pals.
Lots of Love from Kirra
The birthday girl is beautiful! May she have a fun filled celebration.
Happy birthday dear Becky! I LOVE the great plans your mom has for Kodee and you. It'll be great for the 3 of you.
As for your surprise visitor, Fino and I would have barked until we lost our voice!!!
Happy B-Day!
Happy Birthday Becky!!! Love the pictures!! Looks like you have a bandit there!! Lots of love and birthday wishes, Debbie & Holly
Wishing you a wonderful birthday, Becky!
Happy birthday!!!
Now I know what that picture was about on Flickr! Ha ha ha!
Happy Birthday, Miss Becky! May you enjoy many more and a happy lifetime without worries! Good luck in rally class, too!
Happy Happy Birthday, Becky! Those are gorgeous photos of you!!
Honey the Great Dane
Happy Birthday Becky! and Happy Birthday to all your siblings too!
You are a beautiful girl!
Ohhhh sweet Becky...
Happy Birthday little girl!
Your so beautiful
Such wonderful pictures - and how can you not melt for a pile of puppies! :)
Happy Birthday, sweetie!
Happy Birthday Miss Becky! I hope you got all your favorite treats today :)
Happy birthday Becky!! My Zoe will be 2 in about a week. I hope your birthday rocks!!
Happy Birthday, Miss Becky, you're two now! All photos are great as always... we love your puppy photo.
Momo & Pinot
Happy Birthday Miz Becky from birthday boy Rylie (and Max and Debbie too).
I'm thinking of taking Rally classes this winter when we are on agility break. I think it would be fun - keep us posted how it goes.
Happy Birthday, Becky. Sorry we missed it. I bet you had a great time.
happy birthday!
Happy Bday! Sorry for the delay...
Those are great pictures! You're super cute!
Hope you have some wonderful treats left over for all your chums over here???
Happy way belated birthday!! sorry I missed it, you should switch to WP so I can keep better track of your adventures. If I saw that raccoon during the day on a normal basis I may worry about it having problems.. so please be sure to report it if you see it often in the daytime, that's really not normal for them. Hope miss Becky had a great birthday
Happy belated birthday! I hope it was wonderful. :)
Oh sorry I missed wishing you Happy birthday!! The pictures are just wonderful especially the puppy ones!
Happy Birthday, Miss Becky! You are getting prettier each day. :)
Miss Kodee, Congratulations! Your caption has been selected. Come check it out! It is being posted today with a link to your blog.
Happy Canada Day!!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Sorry I missed your Birthday,,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY,, a little late
Happy late birthday b-wooo-tiful!!
Happy (belated) Birthday, sweet Becky! Sure hope it was a pawsome one!!!
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