November 1, 2013

Howl-o-ween Escapades


Good Grief! Kodee took off last night. Found her having a serious talk with the moon. She was trying to "bewitch" the pretty ladies floating about on broomsticks. This HOWL-o-ween, she asked them to let it rain mini pumpkins.

The Moon said it is not that easy! We would have to prove ourselves by travelling very far and be brave. Not exactly a strong character strength of mine... Never mind that Kodee snuffed. Just muster up a brave front - pumpkins were out there ripe for eating!

I don't want to point any paws... but someone - cough Miss Kodee, kept stopping to eat a stick... or two... OK it might have been 3 Miss Piggy! I myself was biding my time chasing a chipmunk around a tree. Suddenly he squeaked STOP. If you leave me alone I will tell you how to get to the pumpkin patch! Then he snickered "Be careful where you decide to dig up a bone this HOWL-o-ween".

20131014-029_960_nl Chippy said to take Werewolf Running Trail to Howling River. We would need a lot of courage to make it though our next destination - Dog Bone Valley.

This was not your usual dog friendly park folks. This woodland was assorted - with - err - dogs of the past. As in you know, dog ghosts! No time to stop for sticks now Kodee - RUN!

Oh My! Would you look at that! A glorious sight as we came over the top of the hill. There is was...

All the fiber a girl could ask for! The Pumpkin Patch keeper welcomed us in for a feast!

Kodee Roasts Becky OH MY!
Hope your Howl-o-ween was filled with dreams and treats like ours!

Wet nose kisses <3 Miz Becky

About Me

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Loving life with family and friends while exploring my passions; writing and photography. All with my two, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in tow on day-trips along the Greater Toronto Area waterfront trails and local communities.

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