Last Bark

Kodee is the reason I fell in love with photography. She is also the reason I have come to love exploring, hiking, learning about dog health and training. It has been fun sharing our stories and learning experiences. Every now and then you read about a dog who has an impact on a family's life - they just seem to appear at the right time. Kodee is that dog.
Kodee was our first small dog and it was quite an adjustment I remember! Teaching a large dog to heel seemed easier. We also forgot she was there and the poor girl got stepped on so many times in the beginning. Kodee is very different from my mischievous numerous labs and my one, slightly off-centered doberman. Oh and I do not forget my parents miniature poodles or the hard to forget "boxer" experience! She is one of a kind and I am so very lucky and thankful to have had her in my life. If none of that was true, I would not have gone on to get a second Cavalier. Enter Becky... ah my sweet, forever doting on me, little bundle of zip!
With the girls off at school I suddenly found myself with whole days to fill with new experiences.Cavaliers are very social plus they possess a way of winning over any "No Dogs Allowed" types very quickly. We started checking out conservation parks, new towns and took small overnight road trips. All that led to a acquiring a camera - then we fought over the camera so make that two cameras. I see a pattern of pairs here.
What did we all do before the onslaught of digital cameras? It has to be the fastest growing hobby this century. Sure the gear is expensive but choosing to spend my days behind a lens has really cut back on my spending habits. I swear, I'm ahead! Photography has given me a different view on the world around me. Since getting behind the lens, I have become more appreciative of nature, suddenly I am more aware of other people's moods and now no detail is too small for my attention. This hobby has allowed me to meet great people, spend more time with my family, helping to get me fit, and bringing out the Indiana Jones explorer in me. That little black box, packs a lot of power for my buck! I wonder how many people my rambling just helped to justify buying a new lens?
Keeping up two blogs is way too hard so I have decided one must go. I guess you could say this is my last bark. One day Kodee and Becky will be gone, but leaving Bark'n About here so I can relive the memories will help me through it.